What comes into your mind when you think of the Faun?

Allow your path to take you to a park,
wander around, notice what surrounds you,
the microdetails. Zoom in and out from the
things that catch your attention,
find two-three-four objects
that you would like to add to your costume.
Find a comfortable position
and lay all the collected items around you.

look at the things you have gathered,
notice your form.
Use the items as extensions of your body;
appreciate your skin;
marvel your beauty.

What do you access?

The mythological figure of the Faun occupies the imagination of Los Faunos, a project that brings together dance schools in Turin accompanied by creative tasks and choreographic scores inspired by the queerness and intersectionality of the Faun to reflect upon repertoire and performance. The first encounter of the Fauns took place between the 13.-14 of January in Lavanderia a Vapore.

Collages created by Kadri Sirel with the words and images collected from the project’s participants and the photos of Andrea Macchia.