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“Moti Arcani” and other choreomagics
What if we suddenly woke up in a world no longer ruled by power but by superpowers? What would a politics that rewrites reality according to magical principles look like?
If magic is the aesthetic exploration of mystery (Max Maven), then it is a technology that allows us to delve into the depths of a submerged world, to experiment with grammars that reshuffle the cards by weaving secret friendships between elements, people, and things, like potions that trigger transformations and glimmers: what is unseen, and does not appear obvious, unravels and creates an unexpected weaving of the world, lattices and landscapes that ripple space and time into new horizons. Caskets for the incubation of new creations and creatures, portals for fusions of past and present.
We live in a present where power is muscular play, where boundaries are sharp, the possibilities of our individual and collective identities are reduced to binary simplifications that pre-digest complexity and impoverish our critical and imaginative possibilities. The skull box is the governing organ, and brain rigidity punctuates the cubic volume of the forms of our institutions. A present in which deterministic and scientific logic, with a touch of austerity, says there is no alternative and tints the horizon of the possible with a perpetual gray that consolidates the cementing image of the scenarios before us.
In this desolating disillusionment, we summon enchantment as chromatic repopulation, as the reappropriation of the irrational and the right to contradiction, or rather as the possibility of people, things and opposing elements coexisting in the same space or even in the same body. An iridescent excess of possibilities that swarm and jag the boundaries of forms and individualities: a promiscuity that eludes functionality and control.
Iridescent, mutant and shape-shifting organisms that infiltrate the folds of time bringing to the surface what lies beneath, a superpower that resurfaces what political power erases.
Can we re-enchant the world by letting the rigidity of labels and divisions evaporate and thereby liberating potential visions and vagueness?
With Arcane Motions we appeal to Magic as an art of opening portals to ancestral or predictive possibilities, relying on unseen forces and unexpected congregations.
We put mystery and ambiguity back at the center as forms of knowledge and political tools; we desire to be a zone of universal inclusiveness where we do not fear the other and transformation.
We dream of a place where we originate mutant bodies, where life is in perpetual circle and excess, where we become intoxicated with the other through the poetic weapon of wonder that liberates what is hidden deep inside: what is concealed at the individual, collective and systemic levels.
In 2025 Lavanderia a Vapore becomes the lair of an alchemical game, a zone of mingling between people and things, an amalgam of potions for a poetic revolution that reconfigures the present by subverting the principle of non-contradiction, not exhausting questions in formulas but making them echo in a tremulous echo in which to shake the certainties of assertive thoughts and postures. Dream worlds, subterranean abysses, luminous phantasmagorias in empty space, exchanges of roles and unveiling of clothes are just some of the poetics that will run through the residencies and public program creations, allowing us to take journeys into vibrant spaces.
What are the geopolitical boundaries of the thinkable in these indistinct ancestral and mysterious landscapes? What submerged or sidereal worlds can we evoke through choreographic uprisings?
A settembre 2023 si sono conclusi i lavori di ecoefficientamento della Lavanderia a Vapore.

Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo ha partecipato all’avviso pubblico n. 1972 del 22 dicembre 2021, pubblicato dal Ministero della Cultura, per la presentazione di proposte di intervento per la promozione dell’ecoefficienza e riduzione dei consumi energetici nelle sale teatrali e nei cinema, pubblici e privati, da finanziare nell’ambito del PNRR, Missione 1 – Digitalizzazione, innovazione, competitività, cultura e turismo – Componente 3 – Turismo e Cultura 4.0 (M1C3), Misura 1 “Patrimonio culturale per la prossima generazione”, Investimento 1.3: Migliorare l’efficienza energetica di cinema, teatri e musei.
Con il decreto del Segretario Generale del Ministero della Cultura n. 452 del 7 giugno 2022, è stata pubblicata la graduatoria di valutazione delle proposte pervenute. Il progetto presentato da Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo è stato ammesso aggiudicandosi un finanziamento di 200.737,25 €.
La Lavanderia a Vapore è un edificio vincolato, quindi le lavorazioni sono state sottoposte all’approvazione della Soprintendenza.
Di seguito i lavori approvati e ultimati:
- sostituzione dei vecchi vetri con vetri doppi dotati di vetrocamera e miglioria sulla chiusura degli infissi;
- sostituzione di tutte le luci della struttura con luci a led e inserimento di sensori di presenza nei camerini
- installazione di lama d’aria sulla porta di ingresso, per eliminare la dispersione di calore dall’interno della struttura durante gli eventi aperti al pubblico;
- acquisto di proiettori a led per il palco che permette durante gli eventi di consumare un quinto rispetto all’utilizzo dei vecchi proiettori a incandescenza.
Dopo un primo step conclusosi a dicembre 2022, la parte più consistente dei lavori si è svolta tra giugno e settembre 2023 e ha permesso a un edificio storico come la Lavanderia a Vapore di migliorare la propria ecoefficienza riducendo il consumo energetico.
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