Visioni e pratiche di gioco, arte e danza rivolte al giovane pubblico (dai 5 anni in su) e alle famiglie.
Associazione Didee – arti e comunicazione, together with Lavanderia a Vapore, offers monthly workshops aimed at children and families, in order to bring them closer to the contemporary artistic languages of the body and the new choreography.
Taste of dance, playful experiences, unpredictable encounters with local and international performers, curated by Mariachiara Raviola, artistic director of “La Piattaforma – La Città Nuova”. All in the footsteps of that “urgent and full of life” dance mentioned by the mother of Tanztheater, Pina Bausch, who – guest of a Roma community in Rome in 1988 – was persuaded to dance by the now famous and always significant phrase of a little girl: “Dance, dance, otherwise we are lost!”.
The TANZ TANZ project, introduced in the programming of Lavanderia a Vapore in 2021, intends to identify innovative forms of artistic experience of dance and cultural participation; the artists involved propose (in the venues of Lavanderia or in other specific places in Turin) paths and installations capable of stimulating a fruition experienced directly with the body, merging the public involved in the experience through the action with what participates through the gaze, in a sort of new artistic education for citizens.

Workshops and performances are aimed to children aged 5 and over and to their families, for an experience of the relationship through generations, environments and languages. In fact, the workshops include an experiential part and a final moment of choreographic construction, vision of a show or participation in a performance, in which it is possible to “taste” the poetics of each artist-conductor and his choreographic modalities. The strategic process underlying the entire project consists in the desire to explore dance as a space of intersectoral connections, promoting expanded and delocalized trajectories alongside the development of territories and communities.
Calendar 2022/2023
– October 9th | LIBERA TUTTI
– November 5th | DANZANDO NELL’ORTO
– November 26th | SOLITUDO_BIMBI
– December 17th | PIÙ ORSETTI