The call conceived by Lavanderia a Vapore and Workspace Ricerca X for the first Research Camping is open to apply until July 28th.

On November 18th and 19th, Lavanderia a Vapore and Workspace Ricerca X transform the space of the Residency Center in Collegno into Research Camping – Wandering Bodies, a temporary oasis where it is possible to experiment various forms of care and contact, collective postures and modalities in order to share artistic practices. Care is the dramaturgical trajectory that informs thought and actions of Lavanderia a Vapore during the entire 2022: care understood not only as a form of maintenance, but also as a founding action capable of “remaking the world”.
Starting from the question “What kind of community, ways of being together, and policies can be re-generated by artistic research?”, artists will be invited not only to cross the space, but also to share its curation and configuration. The Research Camping provides two main settings, characterized by as many operating approaches: The Swimming Pool and The Tents.
Read the call (only in Italian)
Form for application (only in Italian)
Deadline: July 28th, 2022