with Anna Basti, Benjamin Khan (with the support of Fondazione Nuovi Mecenati), Cristina Kristal Rizzo, DOM, Enrico Malatesta, Lovísa Ósk Gunnarsdóttir (with the support of Perform Europe) and other artists to be defined
With the support of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo

A festival dedicated to vitalism and the figure of the shape-shifter: hybrid bodies, iridescent creatures, humanoid bestiaries, vegetable and animal skeins, monsters and enchantments: we celebrate a zone of interregnum that arises from the temporary convergence of irreconcilable and ever-changing forms and subjects.
Against the necropolitics that atrophies and deadens sensibility and the senses with reductionisms that surgically remove the beauty of complexity, the Spring Rolls festival reanimates us with encounters and experiences that put the lifeblood back into circulation, rearticulating the muscle of wonder through encounters with the other and the unexpected, silencing the fear of difference. We celebrate liberation, the founding anniversary of political and also cultural life, we celebrate the unleashing of forces beyond logic and rationality with projects that overflow into public space, that agitate collective bodies like Carmen, dedicated to the rebellious feminine, like When the bleeding stops evoking the figure of the witch or the cry as a healing rite as in Bless the sound.
We fluidify limits and labels, of identity and behaviour, to give life to new assemblies and possibilities of being together. Solve et Coagula repeat alchemical formulas: we break constricting chains to generate new amalgamations. We participate in an afflatus and a transformative circularity that embraces people, landscapes, things and living beings, discovering in collaboration the glue for a new world.

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25 - 27 Apr 2025


4:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Lavanderia a Vapore