Home Archivio - Lavanderia a Vapore Residencies MERLEAU INDIANO_philosophy for environments_

MERLEAU INDIANO_philosophy for environments_

concept Giovinetti
choreography Giovanni Impellizzieri
performance Giovinetti and other agents from local community
Merleau Indiano is a relational apparatus in which thinking and practice combine each other to bring real anatomies closer to fantastic ones in the dancing spectacle of the encounter. It is the first nomination of the generative environment that is to be created, a mutation already underway, faunal vast oceanic warmth, an encyclopedic crossing. Nomination of The between dance and philosophy, of our meeting which by its vocation to openness is already forgetfulness in making space for all other possible encounters, for all the others Between. An investigation into the possibilities of  The between as a present in which the subjects get involved in a dialogue and in which the future is imagined together. A phenomenological observatory in which philosophical and choreographic thought nourish the gaze by opening windows on the possibilities of the present, conceived as a sea of extensional relationships in which knowledge acquired here and now is valued, short circuits, rejects and re-choreographies of them, in which what still I don’t know I will soon know, through generative processes. A poetic of weaving in a political dimension understood as a recipe for a shared time in which the subjects, located in a system of existence rather than efficiency, co-define a polyrhythm of interactions as waves that can emphasize or dampen their effects by magic, agreement, disagreement, prefiguration, design, aleatority. Becoming Nature as a cluster of possible phenomena that manifest themselves through the actions of bodies, creating thinking, dancing, sound, eidetic, plastic environments in the environment. A wandering in which these are scattered throught a fade-in / fade-out process. This formation and self-formation environment is an apparatus for creating live interactions where “dance is seen as a form of autonomy of the living, a form of presence, of perceivable intensity through the bodies, of emergent behavior; choreography is a form of organization of a certain material in space and time in an experimental exercise of freedom

What is?
What can a body do? And a body with other bodies?
How to get around? What to do?
Where do I get my “why”?
What can I know (learn) here and now through dancing behavior?

Giovinetti is Gaia Giovine Proietti & Giovanni Impellizzieri
Gaia Giovine Proietti was born in Turin in 1976 where she lives and works dealing with research on Philosophy for Children. He collaborated for a few years with the Angolo Manzoni publishing house as part of the cultural association “Sulla Parola” and directed his studies on narration as a tool for critical and autonomous thinking in both children and adults. She graduated in Philosophy, ethical-political address at University of Turin. In 2009 he participated in the ICPIC International ConferenceEducating for complex thinking through philosophy inquiry. Models, advances and proposals for the new milleniumorganized by the Department of Education of the University of Padua. In 2008 he proposed his workshops within the Ludorì regional project, presented by the association “La Nottola di Minerva” of Turin and held two cycles of meetings with elementary classes at the Collodi school in Caselle Torinese in 2009. In 2010 he met the students by lecturer Claudio Calliero with an intervention on his thesis work and his experience at the Faculty of Primary Education of the University of Turin. In the same year he participated in the training course held by the CRIF (Center for philosophical investigation-section Monviso-Fossano) entitled: TAKING IT WITH-PHILOSOPHER. Course of approach to the ‘Philosophy for Community’. From 2013 to 2018 he was part of the teachers group of the Hamsa Academy of Turin counseling school dealing with management and training through philosophical practices. Since 2015 he has attended the training seminars of the network of Insieme di Pratiche Filosoficamente Autonome (Propositi di Filosofia) with which since 2016 he has promoted projects for citizenship: in Cavallerizza, in the Borgo Campidoglio and in 2022 she starts the meetings at the Circolo Risorgimento in Turin. Since 2019 she has started to facilitate philosophy within the Dance Well project at the Lavanderia a Vapore di Collegno, with the support of the Piemonte dal Vivo Foundation conceived by the CSC Casa della Danza of Bassano del Grappa in collaboration with the Italian Association of Young Parkinsonians and the Turin Foundation. Museums. With Propositi di Filosofia he facilitates workshops in the classes of the high school of the Amedeo Avogadro in Turin and in 2021 at the Primo Liceo Artistico in Turin within the Media Dance project of Lavanderia a Vapore. 
Giovanni Impellizzieri was born in Milazzo in 1984. Choreographer and performer crosses various means of artistic production: poetry, music, visual arts, dance. After his industrial design studies at the ISIA Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche of Rome he collaborated with Altroequipe (Lucia Latour). He attended the Intensive Course at SNDO in Amsterdam and many workshops led by national and international artists. The solo Le toi de moi / Neverending Poem was presented in the art galleries Pio Monti, Honos Art, Anna Marra, Valentina Bonomo, Edieuropa and at the MACRO Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome where it also presents the trio 20CENT influenced by the texts of the futurist Umberto Boccioni and realizes the relational device ASYLUM. Choreography. Counternarratives. in which performing and visual arts are seen as cooperation framework between choreographers, dancers, students, refugees, visitors. The project involved the National Dance Academy , the Fine Arts Academy of Rome and the Faculty of Architecture La Sapienza. In 2021 he was selected for the european project Boarding Pass Plus Dance, the initiative is launched by CSC Centro per la Scena Contemporanea of Bassano del Grappa with Lithuanian Cultural Institute, Lithuanian Dance Information Centre and Lithuania Contemporary Dance Association, to stimulate cultural encounters, to develop and implement an artistsexchange program of residencies between Italy and Lithuania, in the context of contemporary dance, and to intensify the presence of Italian and Lithuanian creators in new territories. He investigates themes like perception, imagery and power related to instant composition by  questioning techniques learned by movers in a discourse on “body technologies”, that is, a logos on all operations necessary to adapt one’s structures (cognitive and anatomical) to the time and space of the dance to be generated. Dance is seen as a system of autonomy of the living, a form of intelligence, presence, intensity perceptible through bodies, the development of an embodied vision in an experimental exercise of freedom.

The event is finished.


05 - 12 May 2022


Lavanderia a Vapore


Quello che ci muove
Quello che ci muove