ideation and choreography Monica Secco
with Olga Canavesio, Ilenia Pantè, Lisa Perrucci, Marica Vinassa, Giulia Lazzarin, Tita Giunta, Lorenzo Nocentini, Barbara Giacobbe, Jennifer Benard, Olimpia Nardone
with the support of AID Associazione italiana dislessia
in collaboration with Piemonte dal vivo and Lavanderia a Vapore
supported and produced by Artemovimento Centro di Ricerca Coreografica, Progetto Europeo Erasmus+ Performing arts for education and training, CollettivoArtemovimento (atti performativi)
The performers, equipped with a helmet, bring the emotional world of the DSA on the stage, through techniques of dance theater and choreographic actions. The helmet has the double meaning of a “heavy brain” carried with fatigue that also becomes an object capable of protecting the alternative thoughts.
The work focuses on the bodily and emotional exploration of the discomfort encountered daily by a DSA and by its continuous search for adaptation to a thought, said vertical and tendentially logical, selective and sequential.
The 44 possesses the talents of the master numbers that precede it and can express itself in a way extremely versatile, it can be an innovator and reformer. Instinctive and enlightened advocate of every possible change.

The event is finished.


31 Jan 2020


9:00 pm


Lavanderia a Vapore
Collegno (TO)

Other Locations


Tel. 011/4322902 biglietteria@piemontedalvivo.it

TICKETS: Full price 12 euro | Reduced price 9 euro

PRE-SALE: At Infopiemonte – Via Garibaldi 2 (Torino), online on Vivaticket and in all Vivaticket sales points in Italy.

BOX OFFICE: At theatre, from one hour before the beginning of the show.

FREE SHUTTLE BUS: A free shuttle bus is available at “Fermi stop” (Metro - line 1 final stop) for some selected events, carrying out several runs from 45 minutes before the show begins. The service is also guaranteed for the comeback. No need to book.

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