Home Archivio - Lavanderia a Vapore Residencies CLIMATE OF CHANGE | MagdaClan + FLIC


Engaging youth to understand the complex relationships between climate change and migration to create a movement of informed people, ready to change lifestyle and demand new development policies is the goal of End Climate Change, Start Climate of Change – in short #ClimateOfChange – the initiative funded by the European Commission under the DEAR programme (Development Education and Awareness Raising), which supports projects involving EU citizens in social, economic and environmental issues of global relevance. However, changing one’s individual behaviour is not enough: it is necessary to create a European network of young people who work together to call for collective change, at local, national and European level. Joining forces to achieve this goal are 16 European organizations led by WeWorld – among which civil society organisations, universities and NGOs – who have been working since the beginning of 2020 to plan in synergy not only research and debates in schools and universities, but also a pan-European communication and awareness campaign, online and offline, which will affect millions of boys and girls aged 16 to 35 living in 23 EU member states. WeWorld is an Italian independent organization operating in 27 countries, including Italy, to promote and guarantee the rights of women, children and local communities through development cooperation and humanitarian aid programs.
For further information: climateofchange.info.

production MagdaClan circo
direction Petr Forman
dramaturgy, artistic direction Flavio D’Andrea
architect-stage designer Francesco Fassone
technical director Andrea Kubanksi
circus actors and acrobats Giorgio Bertolotti, Elena Bosco, Davide De Bardi, Lucas Elias, Giulio Lanfranco, Tiphaine Rochais, Daniele Sorisi
musicians German Carlo Larsen, Marco Turconi, Luca Ramon, Achille Zoni
sound designer Carlo Cottafava
light designer Meron Celentano
costumes Elettra del Mistro
project manager Achille Zoni
tour manager Ilaria dalle Donne
communication team Annalisa Bonvicini (MagdaClan circo), Luigi Piga (FLIC Scuola di Circo), Rachele Ponzellini (WeWorld), Irene Leonardi (WeWorld) and all the local partners
network of circus schools Stevie Boyd (FLIC Scuola di Circo)
low environmental counselor Tiziano Cattaneo

The show is part of the project “Climate Of Change Tour”
cofunded by European Union, #DEARProgramme
led by WeWorld onlus
created by MagdaClan circo & FLIC Scuola di Circo
in collaboration with WeWorld Global, ActionAid Hellas, ALDA (Association of Local Democracy Agencies), Фондация ЕкоОбщност, Kupuj odpowiedzialnie, European Environmental Bureau – EEB, finep – forum für internationale entwicklung + planung, Hungarian Baptist Aid / a Baptista Szeretetszolgálat angol oldala, IMVF, SLOGA, platforma NVO za razvoj, globalno učenje in humanitarno pomoč, suedwindentwicklungspoltik, Comune di Bologna, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna
in collaboration with Spazio FLIC (Torino) within the program “Residenze Surreale”, Lavanderia a Vapore (Collegno) within the program “residenze coreografiche Lavanderia a Vapore”, Centro di Residenza dell’Emilia-Romagna – L’arboreto-Teatro Dimora | La Corte Ospitale (Rubiera), Bunker (Torino), Mibact, Regione Piemonte


The event is finished.



12 Apr 2021 - 17 May 2021


Lavanderia a Vapore


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