a project by Francesca Cinalli and Paolo De Santis
choreographic collage Francesca Cinalli
sound design Paolo De Santis
performers Amalia Franco, Francesca Cinalli
scenography Andreea Crivoi
production Compagnia Tecnologia Filosofica – traiettoria di ricerca Il Corpo Rituale
collaboration Compagnia Zerogrammi
in collaboration with Lavanderia a Vapore, Workspace Ricerca X and Shared Training Torino-Casa Luft
special thanks to Carovana S.M.I. within the framework of Officin&Ideali – Residenze in transito – Siaeperchicrea2019 call
The performative project ECO DEL MONDO finds its home in the spaces of the Lavanderia a Vapore for a residence of choreographic research led by Francesca Cinalli and Paolo De Santis with the complicity of the performer/marionette player Amalia Franco. ECO DEL MONDO is played out between urban space and the space designated for the performing arts: in this time of choreographic and dramaturgical research we will put into action an ARLECCHINO, revised and corrected to the present day. He will not be presented in his sparkling and bold version, but rather as a resigned and reflective silhouette inspired by Picasso’s famous painting ‘Harlequin in the mirror’. Around his figure the WORDS: those encountered on the walls of Italian cities, captured, extrapolated, isolated, often unusual compared to the cliché of protest imprinted on the walls, which decontextualised, transferred and remixed, go to compose Poetic Manifestos in the form of video art for a thought or at least an echo of the world. 

The event is finished.


23 - 31 Mar 2022


Lavanderia a Vapore


Quello che ci muove
Quello che ci muove