Home Archivio - Lavanderia a Vapore Per il pubblico Evening school on care | On Mobilisation

Evening school on care | On Mobilisation

a project by Lavanderia a Vapore
co-curator Elisabetta Consonni and Daniele Ninarello
within the European project On Mobilisation
EVENING SCHOOL ON CARE is a performative event in the form of an evening school, conceived by Lavanderia a Vapore, with the co-curation of Elisabetta Consonni and Daniele Ninarello. The project is realised within the programme of On Mobilisation, co-funded by the European Union.
During the festival, we interrogate about the educational paradigm and the transmission of knowledge. Since it is an unofficial training trip, we focused on the so-called wet knowledge (vs the hard knowledge): a liquid knowledge that is fluid and changing, since it is connected to the complexity of the times and can establish new worlds.
This kind of knowledge escapes doctrine and institutional teachings, it establishes instead new worlds and it is often linked to groups and experiences of resistance and resilience. This school is characterized by transversal and horizontal postures and by a soft and open space.
The program includes workshops, performances and a durational installation.
ON MOBILISATION focuses on community mobilisation through artistic processes. This bottom-up project co-funded by the European Union, takes an active role in an international solidarity and emancipatory movement. It aims to bring together and to engage individuals for favouring forms of social justice and equality. In order to effectively address the concept of micro-community mobilisation the project embraces local specificities of the four partner organisations: wpZimmer, Baltic Art Center, Studio ALTA and Lavanderia a Vapore. They are mobilised by adopting radical forms of cultural participation facilitated by six international artists: Kalle Brolin, Elisabetta Consonni, Daniele Ninarello, Ahilan Ratnamohan, Marika Smreková and Danae Theodoridou.

The event is finished.


02 - 05 Nov 2023


All Day


Free registration