Making room for critical thinking | WORKSPACE RICERCA X
Resident artists Aurelio Di Virgilio, Polina Fenko, Miranda Secondari
Satellite artists Anna Basti, Barb Bordoni, Teodora Grano, Marta Sponzilli
Guests Julian Barnett, Bojana Kunst, Martina Ruhsam
Artists curators Francesco Dalmasso, Elisa D’Amico, Ambra Pittoni
Making room for critical thinking is the program of Workspace Ricerca X for 2023, which takes shape through two research residencies and some public events, with the support of Lavanderia a Vapore / Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo.
With making room for critical thinking, Workspace Ricerca X expresses the desire to expand and further articulate the environment it creates with new tools, facilitating the collective exercising of critical thinking as a discursive practice within the frame of artistic research.
A critical and reflexive approach to research practices, materials and their discursive articulations, able to reverberate on different scales, starting from the practices of individual artists, all the way to the discourse of the community gathering around research. This implies questioning how the thoughts generated in this complex environment fall out of the context of Ricerca X.
How can we be comfortable in a difficult posture?
How much responsibility, sensitivity and fantasy are at stake while we generate critical thinking?
ph_Andrea Macchia, graphic_Luca Bogoni