Home Archivio - Lavanderia a Vapore Shows MY HEART GOES BOOM + PRIMITIVE ACCOMODATION


choreography Daniele Ninarello
with Cristina Peron, Luisa dalla Palma, Silvana Cucinato,  Paola Agostini, Luciana Pilati, Maria Rosa Martinello, Franca Baraldo, Mario Pomero, Giuseppina Cavallin, Giorgio Marchioro, Daniela Scotton, Eva Boarotto, Paola Bertoncello, Roberta Peron, Eleonora Nicolli, Anna Camonico, Vittoria Battistella
support to the creative process Cristina Bacilieri Pulga
coproduction Operaestate Festival Veneto (Bassano del Grappa)
Operaestate has commissioned to Daniele Ninarello a new creation for the Dance Well dancers, the community that gathers each week to dance in Bassano’s Museum as part of Dance Well – movement and research for Parkinson, which promotes dance practices for people living with Parkinson’s disease. My Heart Goes Boom is a collective act, a reflection on shared and personal freedom, a dynamic relationship created through movement and acting as a form of reciprocal support.

to follow
concept and creation Daniele Ninarello
dance Anna Altobello, Martina Auddino, Silvia Brazzale, Leonardo Carletti, Gaia Centamore, Marianna Cifarelli, Ilaria Corsi, Rita Giannuzzi, Daria Greco, Gioia Martinelli
and with laboratory partecipants
production CodedUomo
coproduction Virgilio Sieni / Centro Nazionale di Produzione sui linguaggi del corpo e della danza e Festival “La Democrazia del Corpo”
The project, born in 2017 during a workshop conducted within the festival “La Democrazia del Corpo” (directed by Virgilio Sieni at Cango), originates from some of Daniele Ninarello’s reflections on issues also present in his Pastorale. Primitive Accomodation tries to discover what animates the body in its desire to constantly find a new unity with the outside, probing the anxiety that the displacement and the need for a new place to stay generate. In this new condition the human being looking for an ancient and primitive dimension. The performance reflects on the nomadic and sedentary nature of the human figure, observing how much we are moved by the desire for a primitive warmth and for a return to the origin.
Proceeds from the evening will be donated to Dance Well Dancers project.

The event is finished.


24 Nov 2019


9:00 pm


Lavanderia a Vapore
Collegno (TO)

Other Locations


Tel. 011/4322902 biglietteria@piemontedalvivo.it

TICKETS: Full price 12 euro | Reduced price 9 euro

PRE-SALE: At Infopiemonte – Via Garibaldi 2 (Torino), online on Vivaticket and in all Vivaticket sales points in Italy.

BOX OFFICE: At theatre, from one hour before the beginning of the show.

FREE SHUTTLE BUS: A free shuttle bus is available at “Fermi stop” (Metro - line 1 final stop) for some selected events, carrying out several runs from 45 minutes before the show begins. The service is also guaranteed for the comeback. No need to book.


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