Home Archivio - Lavanderia a Vapore Shows R.OSA – 10 exercises for new virtuosities

R.OSA – 10 exercises for new virtuosities

choreography and direction Silvia Gribaudi
with Claudia Marsicano (premio UBU 2017 Migliore attrice/performer Under 35)
artistic consultant Antonio Rinaldi, Francesca Albanese, Giulia Galvan, Matteo Maffesanti
production Associazione Culturale Zebra, La Corte Ospitale, Silvia Gribaudi Performing Arts
coproduction Santarcangelo Festival

R.OSA is a piece that is perfectly inscribed in Silvia Gribaudi’s poetics; Silvia is a choreographer who, with a baffling irony, stages the expression of a body, of women and of the social role they are given, through an informal language, creating a relationship with the audience. R.OSA is inspired by Botero’s imagery, by Jane Fonda’s world of the 80s, by the concept of success and performance. R.OSA is a piece in which the performer stages a “one woman show”, shifting the audience’s gaze through a dramaturgy that is composed of 10 exercises of virtuosity. R.OSA is an experience in which the audience are invited to become, voluntarily or not, protagonists of the artistic action on stage. R.OSA is an insight about the way we look at others and what we expect from them, on the basis of our own preconceptions. The piece revolves around a challenge, the one to constantly go beyond one’s limit. R.OSA stages the revolution of the body, which revolts against gravity and shows its levity.

The event is finished.



21 Sep 2019


9:00 pm


Lavanderia a Vapore
Collegno (TO)

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