A whole day of practices and theories, shared with those artists and communities who collaborate with Lavanderia a Vapore; a moment of reflection – together again, albeit spaced apart – starting from the bodies, actual archives often misunderstood, to affirm the importance of finding and listening the emotional concretion deposited into them.

To attend the event, please fill in the form.
For further information: pedrazzoli@piemontedalvivo.it.

During the day, it will be screened 1 minuto sospeso, meetings with those authors who had taken part in Coorpi’s project La danza in 1 minuto, a videodance contest aimed at dancers, videomakers, directors, writers, musicians, sound designers and enthusiasts who, during the suspension imposed by the lockdown, had accepted the challenge of creating innovative and courageous videodance works with a strong cinematic impact. A touching self-exposure to understand what dance can mean in today’s reality.
– Courtyard | 10.30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Transmission practices with the Balinese Tongkat
by Francesca Cinalli and Paolo De Santis
open to people over 18 years old
A taste of practices on the border between dance and martial arts to awaken and cultivate flexibility, imagination, and orientation, in a dimension of play and discovery of one’s own spiritual architecture of the body through a workmate: the stick.
curated by Doriana Crema with Raffaella Tomellini and Fabio Castello
with the collaboration of Associazione Didee
open to people over 18 years old
Finding oneself as a community, reconstructing the space of relationship in this time where proximity and distance are measured with a new look. Under the same sky we all resume the measures of how to be, how to share, exchange, develop a sense of belonging and build new forms together. The axes as mediators between the action of the body and space, favoring the creation of images and visions for a creative and performative time.

– Courtyard | 12-12.30 p.m.
with Rita Maria Fabris, PhD in Humanities and Performing Arts Studies, Postdoctoral Researcher – Adjunct Professor at Università degli Studi di Torino and educational dance trainer®
What are the questions that artists/teachers/trainers/conductors are asking themselves today in their work with the communities of dancers or amateurs or people who have not yet met the dance? Starting with some reflections on the verbs educate, teach, pass down, lead, go with, raise awareness and play, the meeting aims to focus with the participants some strategies to restore confidence in the bodies of the dancing communities (temporary or long-term communities). 

– Courtyard | 12,30-2 p.m.
PICNIC at the Dancehouse
A moment of self-organized break, where it is asked you to bring your favorite dish, a blanket and what you prefer to eat, respecting the environment (no disposable meals). There will be no bar service, only vending machines for water and drinks.

– Great Room Ironing | 2-4 p.m.
by Ricerca X
The Workspace Ricerca X team, working in residency in September 2020 at Lavanderia a Vapore, will organise a micro-landscape of practices and discourses, in order to delve into the discussion on the outcomes of artistic research. A public opening gravitating around the question: which formats of sharing apply to the knowledge produced in a research process? In the words of Belgian artist Gosie Vervloessem: How can a slow, almost invisible process be made apparent? Thanks to the presence of the artists invited for this edition – Elisabetta Consonni (Milan), Mirko Guido (Stockholm) e Sara Manente (Brussels) – and of the tutor Bart Van den Eynde, together with the curatorial team of the project – Erika Di Crescenzo, Francesco Dalmasso, Ambra Pittoni, Elisa D’Amico – Ricerca X  will arrange an environment to articulate practices and discourses starting from this and other questions. 

– Great Room Laundry| 2-5 p.m.
by Stefano Mazzotta, Elena Rolla and Viola Scaglione
with the dance schools involved in the project
“Le Sacre du Printemps” starts again and the dance schools involved in the project meet for a sharing moment led by the tutors Stefano Mazzotta, Elena Rolla and Viola Scaglione, in order to retrace the experience and its stages, looking to the future with confidence. Within this occasion, it will make its debut SACRE, the short film produced by the Lavanderia a Vapore and related to the experience held at the Reggia di Venaria in July 2020.

– Theatre| 3-4 p.m.
curated by Elena Cavallo, Lucia Guarino and Emanuele Enria
and with the partecipation of Gaia Giovine Proietti and Daniele NInarello
Dance Well – movement research for Parkinson promotes dance practice for people living with Parkinson’s disease.

– Theatre | 5-6 p.m.
A collective project curated by Francesco Dalmasso, Elisa D’Amico, Cristina Da Ponte, Claudia Adragna 
Shared Training Torino is a project providing shared training sessions and open classes for over 18 professional dancers and performers as well as experienced dance practitioners. The aim of the project is sharing trainings and research practices that are body and movement related, within the field of contemporary dance. The idea comes from the need of a group of dancers to keep ourselves active and in shape. Additionally, we would like to expand and strengthen the network of Turin-based artists. Sharing and exchanging trainings, tools and practices is a way to explore and deepen one’s expertise, to acquire new skills, offering a chance to meet different experiences and approaches. 

– Courtyard | 4,30-5,30 p.m.
GUIDED TOUR in the spaces of Lavanderia a Vapore
A short walk to discover Lavanderia a Vapore and its marvellous history.
Meeting point: courtyard.

– Small Room Laundry | 4-6 p.m.
A game and dance proposal aimed at children, teenagers and their families
For this season, Associazione Didee together with Lavanderia a Vapore, is going to offer quarterly workshops aimed at children and teenager (and, in some cases, at their families), in order to bring them closer to the contemporary artistic languages ​​of body and the new choreography. Tastings of dance, playful experiences, unpredictable encounters with local and international dance performers, curated by Mariachiara Raviola, artistic director of the project “La Piattaforma – La Città Nuova”. The guideline is the quote often repeated by Pina Bausch, who – guest of a Roma community in Rome in 1998 – was convinced to dance by a little girl: “Dance, dance, otherwise we are lost!”.
The first event, planned on September 26th as part of the Lavanderia’s open day, inaugurates the TANZ TANZ project under the aegis of the word TRUST. The dancers and choreographers Francesca Cola and Tommaso Serratore, starting from their respective (and distinctive) artistic languages, developed in the context of their performances, and from the personal creative experience reached during the quarantine, develop a game and dance proposal aimed at young audience.
4-4.50 p.m.
with Francesca Cola
open to children over 6 years old, accompanied by a family member
“During the quarantine I sent a message to ten loved ones with this request: ‘Would you give me a word that is beautiful to you? I can dance it. I don’t know how to knit but I can weave movements'”. For Francesca Cola, the word becomes gesture, rhythm and play with nature, to be offered to the participants as a dice to roll, a rhyme to sing, a carousel to turn.
5-5.50 p.m.
with Tommaso Serratore
open to children over 9 years old, accompanied by a family member
Starting from the “protagonist” of his latest creation, Tommaso Serratore guides the children and their parents on a journey in order to discover the character and how it is created: posture, appearance, movement, rhythm, as well as the space and environment it inhabits.

– Courtyard | 6-6.30 p.m.
performative practice shared with the group of Campi Creativi
by Francesca Cinalli and Paolo De Santis
The practice consists in playing with a natural color raw wooden board, positioned on the sole of the foot, in search of a precarious, intimate and choral balance.

– Courtyard | 6.30-7 p.m.
by and with Daniele Ninarello
and with the mural painting interventation of Gosia Turzeniecka
in the framework of Interplay Festival

The event is finished.

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26 Sep 2020


All Day


Lavanderia a Vapore

Currently, motor activity is allowed, but following some precautions. At the entrance the body temperature will be measured and the self-certification form (sent by e-mail at the moment of the registration) must be delivered. Practices will take place in a space where interpersonal distancing is guaranteed, but each partecipant will have to be careful to keep it in all the spaces of Lavanderia a Vapore. The mask during the dance work in the room is not mandatory, but it is required to wear it in the common areas and during breaks.


Quello che ci muove
Quello che ci muove