Practices on the care of reciprocal space
Patricia Carolin Mai meets Daniele Ninarello
The project stems from the desire to cross a common time and space of residence for an open andshared research, starting from a contagion between the practices of the two artists. The practices inquestion are articulated around the themes of reciprocity, alliance, care and contagion. The objective of this encounter is research for research’s sake as an engine capable of creating newknowledge extended to those who cross the space we share together. The research process as an artisticobject that manifests itself as a passage, an experience of bodies, without pre-established contours. Specifically, we would like to open a part of the research space to other people, teenagers and seniors,dancers and non-dancers, of any ethnicity, age, physicality, background and gender, in order to sharewith them the evolution of the path in real time, thus entering as main actors in the research process,contributing to feed awareness of their own creative nature in the community, observing together thespace of the relationship between bodies, as a space of continuous common resistance in which it ispossible to perceive one’s own body alive.

HAMONIM, Patricia Carolin Mai ©Jana Kühle
Patricia Carolin Mai has her main production location at Kampnagel and K3 – Zentrum fürChoreographie | Tanzplan Hamburg. She studied dance at the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp, the SNDOAmsterdam as well as the Master of Performance Studies at the University of Hamburg. The examinationof the body as an archive and central link for memories marks the centre of her choreographic work. Shehas presented her productions at international festivals in Israel, Italy, Belgium, Korea and othercountries. With her long-term research she is working on “bodies in states of emergency”. After Ready tosnap (2016) and BALGAN BODY (2018) she explores 2019 in HAMONIM (Hebrew for “what moves themasses”) the mechanisms of protection for a community and what is necessary for an individual tosurvive in a group. 70 dance enthusiasts create a stage community that dissects the parameters oftogetherness and practices a critical stance towards the masses. In the summer of 2019, she follows theinvitation of the Ninety9 Art Company to Seoul. With her group piece GAL-GAL she focuses on the self-empowerment of women in Korean society. In 2020 she is working on the twelve month solo self-experiment KONTROL to explore the limits of her physical capacity and metamorphosis, questioningcultural norms of body and gender. Patricia Carolin Mai has recently received Hamburg’s concept fundinguntil 2023. With the trilogy INTEAM she will continue her work (together with K3 │ Tanzplan Hamburgand the local dance community) about practices of community.

PASTORALE, Daniele Ninarello © Eliosa Nocentini